Here you go!


This is from CrossfitNC, but we like it a lot:

4 rounds of-

400M run

20 75# Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls

20 75# Push Presses

A little story about this one: I first did this work out at the end of November. It’s all documented in my blog. Most of my runs were over 2 minutes and I believe that every single set of my SDHP and PP’s were horribly broken. My runs were over 2 minutes. I came in with a time of 23:50. I did it again last night, with a residual nervousness in the pit of my gut, and I ran 1:28 400’s and the majority of my sets were unbroken. I now have the Lombardy Team record at 16:43. Now you go ahead and beat me.