

We did “Linda:, along with “Chloe”, a CFRVA Original. The weather is starting to cool down a bit, and it was great day to CrossFit, and we had a good crowd out back.

4 Tabata Intervals of:
-Box Jumps
-Medicine Ball Squat Cleans
-Sledge Hammer Strikes
-Kettlebell Swings
-Row For Calories
-Wall Ball Shots

Score is the totals of all of the lowest rep round of each movement

Lisa: 45
-First tmie CrossFitter. Used .5 Pood and 8# medicine ball
Sarah: 45
-1 pood KB and 12# medicine ball
Stephen: 62
-1.5 pood KB, 20# medicine ball
Tyler: 48
-1 pood KB, 20# medicine ball

Brandon’s OHS