Today’s WOD:
3 Rounds:
X sets of: (X=current minute)
-1 Deadlift, 1 Hang power clean, 1 Jerk (135# guys, 95# girls)
-Rest the remainder of each minute. Round is over when required number of sets cannot be completed within a minute.
-3 minutes rest after each round.
Ex: Minute 1: 1 round, minute 2: 2 rounds, minute 3: 3 rounds, etc..
X sets of: (X=current minute)
-1 Deadlift, 1 Hang power clean, 1 Jerk (135# guys, 95# girls)
-Rest the remainder of each minute. Round is over when required number of sets cannot be completed within a minute.
-3 minutes rest after each round.
Ex. Minute 1: 1 round, minute 2: 2 rounds, minute 3: 3 rounds, etc..