Today’s WOD: (yes it’s late!)
-100M Farmer’s Walk
-50 Snow Angels
-50 Sit-Ups
-100M Walking Lunges
-50 Kettlebell Swings
-50 Push Press w/ 45# Bar
-100M Walking Lunges
-50 Knees-to-Elbows
-50 Double-Unders or Tuck Jumps
-100M Farmer’s Walks
A few tips:
-Excessive chalk will dry out your hands and lead to cracks and eventually tears. Use it when you need, but remember that laying it on thick won’t help you grip better. Chalk is used to get rid of moisture on your skin, it ain’t glue.
-File down your calluses on a regular basis
-Use tape if you absolutely have to, but try to figure out why your hands are getting torn up.