Deadlift 5×5
7 Rounds:
-7 Dumbbell Thrusters
-7 Pull-Ups
-7 Box Jumps
-100M Sprint
-These past couple of months have brought an incredible amount of growth to CrossFit RVA. We’re moving towards 60 members, and as many of you know, it’s getting a little crowded. First, I appreciate everyone’s patience as we adapt to more and more members. I know it can be frustrating when there’s too many people in one space (but it can also be a great environment to train in!). As you probably know, we’re opening up group class times starting Feb. 2 at noon on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. We’re also going to open up early morning classes, as well as Saturday classes, and probably fairly soon. Come to these new class times, and we promise to open up even more classes. We’re also working a few ideas to free up more space in the gym and run classes in an even more efficient manner. If anyone has any suggestions or concerns related to the above, let us know.
If you have any general training questions, comments, concerns, whatever, just e-mail or call one of us. We’ll be glad to help.