WOD 8/28/09


PR Day!

Pick something fun, get a PR, go home happy.

Alright, slight announcement before I launch into the rest of my post. In some of the posts over the past couple weeks, it may have seemed as if Jake was referring to himself in the 3rd person. He’s not that full of himself. Yet. In actuality, he’s been real busy at the space (obviously) and asked me to take over the daily website duties. The new CrossFitRVA cyberspace DJ is yours truly, Brian Low.

In honor of PR day, I’ve got a couple of motivational videos/words for you. The first and the second video. Okay, now that I’ve wasted 5 minutes of your hard earned time with jokes, I apologize. The next link is much more pertinent, promise. It’s by Jeff Martin concerning Intensity. It’s a short read and it’s oh so helpful and informative. If you don’t want to read it (what’s wrong with you?), I’ll summarize. Go into each WOD with a plan, think about how long each round or series of reps should take before the countdown. Plan your breaks, if you have to take a break, consider taking 3 breaths in a “3-2-1-Go” count and getting right back on that bar. Better yet, don’t take breaks. Above all, do not walk away from your bar. Stay on it, don’t waste time. You know you’re not going to feel better until the workout is over. Get it done!

What separates the average CrossFitter from the elite is not always superior strength or cardiovascular endurance (it’s good looks), it’s pushing your body to the limit, past when your brain says quit. We’ve given you the physical tools to succeed, stay mentally tough. Now, go forth and set a new PR.