WOD 9/9/09


I forgot to post the skill of the week yesterday, thanks for reminding me, Ashton. This week’s skill is the planche.

Today’s WOD:
1600M Run
10 Thrusters (135/95)
800M Run
20 Thrusters (95/65)
400M Run
30 Thrusters (65/45)

Last completed on 6/5/09.

I’ve got nothing for you today. Actually, I’ve got plenty, but I want you all to marinate on the previous posts so I don’t overload your brains (I’m worried most about DP). Happy hump day.

Edit: For those of you expecting the posted wod, we had to modify it due to logistical reasons. Prescribed weight loads for men/women are 95/65 for all sets.