This week’s skill that we’ll be working on is the fastest lift on the planet: the snatch.
Today’s WOD:
3 rounds:
400M Run
12 Overhead Squats
21 Knees to Elbows
Today’s post isn’t health related, but it’s important information, nonetheless. Have you ever wanted to change your name that appears when you post? Maybe you’re embarrassed by your name or you just want to be called “LazerPewPew”. I hope someone uses that alias. If you want to change your name, sign in as normal and look for your name above the comment box where you type in comments. Go ahead and click it.
That will take you to your profile where you can add stats about yourself, just like on Not that I would know anything about that. In order to change the name that the world sees when you post, go ahead and change your “Nickname” in the “Name” section. Update your profile with the button at the bottom of the screen and then go back to “Display name publicly as” to use the drop-down menu to change your name. Viola. You are now known as “Agent Zero” or whatever name you deem appropriate. Keep in mind that your sign-in name stays exactly the same, the only thing you are changing is what people see when you make a post. Holler if you are having any issues. Enjoy.