400M Run
4 Rounds:
– 15 Deadlifts (185#/115#)
– 15 Push-Ups
400 M Run
4 Rounds:
– 15 Deadlifts (185#/115#)
– 15 Push-Ups
Last completed on 7/22/08.
Registration for Sectionals should go live at 4 PM EST (1 PM PST) tomorrow. Because our Sectionals are a 2-day event, the cost will be $100 for athletes and $50 for spectators. Athletes are entitled to bring 1 spectator along (save some of that Christmas cash or take one of our athletes on a date). Like Mark, I’m way off the reservation for 2 weeks, but I’ll try to post the link as soon as it goes live. Otherwise, you’ll have to go to the Games site on your own. Stay warm and safe out there.