Row 500m
25 Walking Lunges
25 Pull-Ups
Run 400M
25 Box Jumps
25 Push-Ups
Row 500M
25 Double Unders
25 Sit-Ups
Run 400M
Tom foolery in the alleyway on the Saturday snow day. Unfortunately, the hill back there is not optimal for sledding.
If you guys are craving more information about CrossFit, but don’t know where to look, an excellent place to start is the CrossFit Journal. For $25, you get unlimited yearly access to all the posted articles (past, present, future). They post lots of CrossFit related articles and interviews with athletes if you want to see what the best of the best do. I recommend watching the Mikko Salo documentary. He won last year’s CrossFit Games and is a total beast.
Another fantastic resource is the Performance Menu Journal. This journal is published monthly and a years subscription will only cost you $29.95. Both are excellent resources and can help to quell your CrossFit fix throughout the day.