WOD 01/08/10


crossfit, fitness, gym, richmond, rva, girls, thrusters, box jumps
Today’s WOD:

“Awesome Amy’s Terrific Tattacular Birthday Chipper”

35 Pull-Ups
35 Burpees
35 Sit-Ups
35 Squats (45#)
35 Push-Ups
35 KB Swings (1.5/1 pood)
35 Double Unders
35 Box Jumps
35 Knees to Elbows
35 Turkish Get-Ups (30#/20#)

It’s our resident tattoo artist’s birthday on Sunday and in honor of this momentous occasion, we’re celebrating with a chipper workout. Two chippers in one week! I bet you all feel like it’s your birthday.

Happy birthday Amy!!

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t know the original workout was being offered as an option!

Kettlebell Swings

Last completed 01/06/09.