5 Rounds:
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Squats
The Paleo Twins doing pull-ups next to each other. I don’t think Mackenzie is wearing shoes. Hippy.
I almost forgot to mention that Melissa S got her first and second and third and fourth… maybe more (?) kipping pull-ups today! A round of applause and congratulations are in order. Way to go, Melissa!
How do you describe what CrossFit is to your friends and family? It isn’t easy to explain and sometimes, words just don’t do it justice. It’s one of those things that you have to do and have to experience in order to understand it. Soooooo, next Wednesday, April 21st, is Bring a Friend to Work Out Day. Similar to bring your kid to work day, but better. It’s your chance to bring a friend or two, or five, to experience CrossFit with you. Just tell your friend it’s what you do to work out, it’s what you do to get those pretty muscles, it’s what you do to be awesome. Don’t you want your friends to be cool like you?