WOD 7/28/14



All Levels:

Low Bar Back Squat 3×6 @ 70%



6 rounds of:
3x Power Cleans (185#/125#)
5x KB Swings (2p/1.5p)
7x T2B
9x Box Jumps (30″/24″)


6 rounds of:
3x Power Cleans (135#/95#)
5x KB Swings (1.5p/1p)
7x T2B
9x Box Jumps (24″/20″)


6 rounds of:
3x Power Cleans (95#/65#)
5x KB Swings (1.5p/1p)
7x T2B
9x Box Jumps (24″/20″)

RVA Weightlifting was well-represented at this past weekend’s Virginia State Open and Championship! CrossFit RVA’s own Jason German had a great meet, hitting a 93KG Snatch (2KG PR)/113KG Clean and Jerk(2KG PR). Daniel Roberts from Colonial CrossFit lifted in his first meet with a total of 248KG, and Nick Rowell lifted in his second, totaling 261KG. RVA Weightlifting members from The Weight Room had a great showing as well, with plenty of PRs to go around.