Go Speed Racer!


And so we’re coming to an end of another racing season and looking forward to fattening up for the holidays before more races come our way in Feb 2015.

Everyone did really well on their individual races last weekend.

Eileen got a PR of nearly 5 minutes on her 8K with 51:24 (write it on the board!!) and knows that with a little more work she’ll be able to run a sub 60 10K.

Another familiar face on the 8K course was Elizabeth Dooley. Sadly I didn’t get to see her run, but she’s racing all the time. I’m sure I’ll catch her.

Audrey also PR’d her half marathon time by 10 minutes with a 2:03 and will likely run her next one in under 2 hours. I’ve got 1:47-1:53 in the pool.

Erin Barclay ran a  2:23 half with a bum foot. She tried to defer but was too late. Way to be a trooper!

Melissa Garber ran the half with her dad Jeff and very little training. We saw her outside Sugar Shack looking strong.

Some other RVA folk in the half were Clint Nichols with a 1:49 and Ashlyn Bergman with 2:23. Great job you two!

Ingrid ran a surprise full under an assumed identity. We caught her right at the end and she definitely looked happy to be there. Apparently she thought she was running the half.

Tere cut an incredible 20 minutes off her Marathon time. She ran the full course with Stephanie Hallam, one of the original RVA Rebels. They chatted the whole way and never looked tired. Had she been running for time, she would have probably cut over 30 minutes.

Courtney Opals brother Colin Edward did the full in his wheelchair. Congrats to you and your brother Courtney.

Jake O’Connor also ran the full. I couldn’t find his results, but Derek saw him at the 24 mile mark.

There were some friends to the Rebels and a lot of you at RVA who ran. Brian Buiwe in the 8K.  Kaity Kaspar, Caitlin Boyd and Meena Khalili all ran the half.  Jonathan Bryan Smith finished the full in an incredible 3:11!

No Race report is complete without all the support on the course. A big thanks to everyone who came out to watch.  Stephen, Brie, Jill P, Chase,  John, Jake, Kat, Derek, Megan, Ben, Michael, Lila Lee and any others I may have missed as well as all the runners who stuck around after their race.

A big thanks to all of you from me and Tere. Having you out there really helps along the way.


I wanted to share the picture above of Hillary Too from mile 24. At this point he was in first place. Ultimately he would get passed and beaten by 10 seconds. His time for the Marathon was 2:18:45! That’s not why I’m posting. I happened to catch him in perfect pose running form. Even this late in the game, he had not fallen apart. This is what we aspire to as far as technique goes in Crossfit Endurance. This is why we drill and this is why we’re seeing huge PR’s and less injuries. Slight lean, head neutral, shoulders relaxed. He’s in a perfect four with his landed foot slightly bent at the knee. You can draw a straight line from his neck to his ankle and his body follows the line.

Last things:

Tacky Lights run is in the works. Let’s make this year the biggest yet.

Food Drive: You should have seen the boxes and flyers around the gym. Please donate. With the amount of members we have, those boxes should be full in no time.

RVA Endurance classes are Tuesday mornings at 6am and Wednesday nights at 5:30pm.

You can find the wods posted on Mondays and Wednesdays on Facebook at


or on Twitter: @rvaendurance