8 Tips for the CrossFit Initiate: Part 2


Last week we gave our new members a few tips to make the most out of CrossFit RVA with 4 tips. This week, here’s another 4 to make sure you’re quickly getting the most from your membership.

5. Listen to your Instructors

We’re happy to have an extremely experienced group of instructors. Between our top 3 positions, there’s 2 Masters and one Bachelors degree in related fields. All of our Instructors have acquired certifications, and importantly, have worked at our gym and in the field for a long time.

You can trust these guys, and all of our Instructors. It’s in your best interest. If we tell you to scale (adjust the workout) a certain way, do it. That may mean going to a simpler movement, using less weight, doing fewer reps, or just stopping a workout early. This is all in your best interest, to keep you moving quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, safely. Don’t argue, and ignoring an Instructor is a huge no-no.

6. Mechanics – Consistency – Intensity

It’s important to understand our hierarchy of concerns in the gym. #1 is that you understand the mechanics of the movements we’re performing. We practice the movements first, under little to no load. We’re looking at absolute basics initially.

Beyond that, we start to integrate some load, or increase the challenge of the movement. But now, we’re our goal is that over time and reps, you can perform this movement well. We want to see that you aren’t just a rock star for a single rep when the instructor is looking, but across everything you do, you’re mindful of how you’re moving, and constantly working to move better.

Finally, we move faster, with more challenging movements, and heavier loads. Whether this means getting to the point where you can test a true one rep max back squat, or pushing the speed in your metcons. We want to see you can move WELL before lifting the big weights and moving fast.

7. Respect the Workout Levels

We have levels posted for all of our workouts. In the current system, you’ll see levels 1-3 for both the Strength and Conditioning work.

For Strength work, the levels, more than anything, are about what’s allowing you to still make progress. Everyone, even if you come to us pretty strong, should begin at Level 1, UNLESS you’re coming from a very recent training background that we think makes you a good candidate to go up a level. Level 1 is a basic lifting progression, frequently adding weight to, and expecting progress, on a weekly basis.

Level 2 typically looks at progress on more of a monthly or at least multi-week pace. Level 3 is expecting progress over the course of a cycle, usually 8-12 weeks. Going up a level before you need to (meaning you’re no longer making progress at a good pace), will likely slow down improvements, not help.

For our conditioning work, the levels work a little differently. We’re mainly aiming to give you a workout that has a volume/weight/skill level that’s appropriate for you. Everyone should begin, even if just for a couple weeks, at level 1. Some can quickly move on to level 2, and even 3. Some will stay at level 1 for a very long time before moving to level 2, and may be there even longer. Jumping up to a volume/weight that you’re not ready for is a recipe for disaster.

8. Utilize Our Resources

We’ve been around for a long time, and are happy that we can offer a great deal to our community.

First, our website. Watch them, and practice the drills and tips.

The Instructors: Don’t be afraid to ask for help before or after class. There’s a limit to how much can be tackled in a group, and it’s OK to ask a few questions outside of class. If it can’t be sorted out in a few minutes, and you would like more attention…

Personal Training: Need even more help? Talk with us about setting up a personal training session with one of our instructors. This is an excellent way to get very focused attention.

RVA Endurance: Training for a race? We can help you out. We have two classes per week where we do endurance workouts with additional instruction on running and rowing.

Yoga RVA: 2 nights a week, you’ve got the opportunity to improve flexibility, balance, coordination, and improve recovery by participating in a Yoga RVA class at the gym.

Not a tip – but make sure you check us out on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/crossfitrva, and look up our private group), Instagram (@crossfitrva, #crossfitrva)