Updated Covid Procedures



As you all hopefully know, we’re operating in what feels like a fairly standard fashion at this point.  

We’ve had 17,826 attendances since we reopened.

We’ve had 3 confirmed COVID-19 cases come in the gym, and a few possible exposures.

There has been zero transmission in the gym that we know of.

As since we have done since opening…

  • Stay home if you’re sick, check your temperature on the way in, and wear a mask whenever aren’t in your “square”.  
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer on the way in.  Don’t touch your face!
  • If you’re exposed to someone with COVID-19, stay home until you get tested, and if you come out testing positive, quarantine for 14 days.  If you are exposed directly to someone or you test positive, please let us know immediately.
  • Whenever we’re told that someone has been exposed or tested positive, we’re letting everyone in that same class time/area know so that they can monitor symptoms

We can’t possibly claim that we’ve handled things perfectly, but we’ve always taken it seriously.  We’re continuing to do so and taking what additional precautions we can.


  • One person to a square, even for Open Gym.  Don’t care if you’re in the same household, BFFs who hang out all the time, secret lovers, whatever.  We don’t want to have to engage in conversation about various grey areas there.  
  • We’re keeping the garage doors open to some degree at all times to promote airflow. Fans will be on low at all times to filter air flow out as well.
    • This means it will be COLD most mornings and late evenings. Wear layers to warm up and don’t give the coaches a hard time for the weather!
  • We are still maintaining distance while working out and while in the facility!  If you’re getting equipment, coming in from a run, or just feelin’ chatty – still keep that distance.