WOD 03/14/11


crossfit, fitness, gym, richmond, sumo deadlift high pulls
Today’s WOD:

Clean and Jerk
4×2 @ 85%


EMOM 10:
3 Power Cleans (115#/65#)
5 Push-Ups
7 Squats

Advanced WOD:

10 Renegade Man Makers (45#/25#)
20 Sandbag Get Ups
30 Burpees
40 Pull-Ups
800M Run
50 Box Jumps
60 KB Swings (24 kg/16 kg)
70 Goblet squats (16 kg/8 kg)
80 Double Unders
800M Run

Sign up for the Open if you haven’t already! Once you’re signed up, search for CrossFit RVA and add yourself to the team. Jake has to approve all members, so if you don’t get instantly approved, don’t worry, he’ll get to you.

I know we’ve got a few members out there who are on the fence about signing up for the Open and probably quite a few more that I have no idea about. You might be asking yourself, “why should I sign up for the open?” And my simple and oh so elegant response is, “why not?” So there are some movements you aren’t quite perfect at and some weights that are a little too heavy right now, but so what? Are you afraid of being embarrassed and laughed out of the building? I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, but we don’t do that kind of thing at CrossFit RVA. We support each other without exception. And quite honestly, you’re never going to be perfect and you’re never going to be too strong because there’s no such thing. We strive to be the best we can be and competing is one of the ways that we can express and demonstrate our abilities. CrossFit is about being physically and mentally strong, but the underlying theme that fuels all of us is pushing out of our comfort zones. Push yourself a little extra in the next six weeks, you won’t be disappointed in the results. You’ll be bi-winning.

Editor’s Note: I hope Charlie Sheen pulls his life together because he is not a healthy person right now.