Today’s WOD:
3x (1 Clean and 2 Jerks) @ 85% of your Clean & Jerk Max
Toes to Bars
Walking Lunges
Advanced WOD:
7 One Arm Dumbbell Snatches Right (50#/35#)
7 One Arm Dumbbell Snatches Left (50#/35#)
3 Box Jumps (36″/30″)
Quick Note: If you signed up for the Nutrition Challenge, we’ll be charging your account in the next couple days unless you e-mail me saying you’d like to pay with cash/check, or have already paid. We have a huge turnout this time, look forward to getting things rolling!
Wisdom comes from many places and many sources as long as you are willing to listen. This little nugget came to me from someone who is far smarter, better looking, and nicer than myself, not that that is saying much. Speaking about the subject of snowboarding, we were discussing how much it sucks to snow plow the mountain with your face when you start learning. I’ve been there and it’s not fun. Categorically speaking, we can choose to do one of two things: become frustrated and quit or become frustrated and keep trying.
I’ve quit before and stayed at home in the cabin rather than embarrass myself on the slippery slopes. It’s boring and lame. I’m not proud of what I did, but it was part of the learning process for me. In subsequent trips, I’ve learned to get down the mountain with minimal snow in my mouth. Instead of quitting completely and admitting defeat, I kept trying and eventually acquired a little skill.
In the past four weeks, we’ve had people learning double unders and setting personal bests with their clean and jerks and it has been awesome to watch. As a trainer and as a friend, I have been proud to see people going from having no double unders to stringing together multiples. And then to watch athletes clean and jerking PR’s and seeing the judges be more excited about the athlete’s accomplishments than their own… that’s cool. Ultimately, that’s what RVA is all about: pushing each other and ourselves to be better.
So… categorically speaking, you alone choose to get frustrated and quit or you choose to use that frustration to fuel your desire to improve. Choose wisely.
I can’t wait to see what comes out of the hopper tonight!