WOD 09/05/11


crossfit, fitness, gym, richmond
Today’s WOD:

3 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
20 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Stiff Legged Deadlifts (24 kg/16 kg)
30 Double Unders
Rest 1 minute

Power Snatch + Snatch
4 @ 75%
Back Squat
5×3 @ 80%, 3 @ 83%

Normal schedule today!

Greetings, folks. We’re going to be starting a new strength cycle next Monday and there are some important things to do before we start. First off, we’re going to be working off of up to date 5 rep max numbers in three different lifts. Guess what we’re doing on Wednesday? Establishing those 5 rep maxes. If you only come to the gym once this week, make sure it’s a Wednesday! We can’t stress the importance of this enough… We need the most current 5 rep max of which you are capable.

Next up: every once in a while we have people sneak off the reservation to lift more than the percentages indicated. We know you want to see if you’ve gotten stronger, but don’t. Resist the urge. When you do things that aren’t part of the programming it throws off the progression. Do what’s written on the board and we’ll help you to achieve PR nirvana.

Lastly, get yourself a log book if you don’t already own one. Log books are part of fitness 101. You can’t be serious about what you’re doing unless you’re tracking out your progress. It’s extremely helpful to us on the trainer side if we can get you to flip back to look at certain days and workouts.

See you on Wednesday to get those 5 rep maxes!