The RCSC 2014 is coming up 11/1/14! Come out to one of the longest running strongman competitions in the country.
I’m sure many of you were at, or were keeping a close eye on Nationals this weekend. This competition is a great opportunity to qualify early, and start laying the groundwork for success in 2015.
( ) = tentative weights for light-heavy split depending on entries received.
Log Press for Max Weight
Athletes will have up to three attempts to lift the heaviest weight possible. Wessels rule.
Auction-style, progressive bar at 20lb increments. Down signal must be received for any lift to count. 60sec.
Yoke Race
60’ carry. 1 drop allowed. 60sec limit.
Novice Women 300 – (260/300/340)
Women 400 – (340/400/440)
Novice Men 520 – (480/560)
<175/Masters 620 – (Masters 560/660)
Lightweights 720
Heavyweights 800
Truck Tire Deadlift for Max Weight
Athletes will have up to three attempts to lift the heaviest weight possible. Wessels rule.
Auction-style, progressive bar at 50lb increments. Down signal must be received for any lift to count. 60sec.
Farmer’s Carry
120’ w/turn at 60’
1 drop allowed.
Novice Women 120s – (100/120/140)
Women 160s – (140/160/180)
Novice 190s – (180/220)
<175/Masters 230s – (Masters 210/250)
Lightweights 260s
Heavyweights 290s
Tire Medley
Athletes will flip 3 progressively heavier tires and complete reps on the heaviest until time expires. The score is most total reps with ties
broken on split times.
60sec time limit
Approximate Tire weights . . .
Novice Women 200/450/450
Women 200/450/550
Novice 450/550/600, 450/600/700
<175/Masters 450/600/700
Lightweights 550/600/700
Heavyweights 600/700/800