Clean and Jerk
7×1 @ 80%
10 Wall Balls
7 Sit-Ups
5 Ring Dips
Advanced WOD:
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull-Ups
Last completed on 09/09/10.
Self Reflection. There’s only a couple people out there that care if you skip a day that says something like “4x800M Run” or “5K Run” for the WOD. First of all, it hurts John’s feelings because he puts a lot of time and energy into crafting our workouts and our program. Okay, it doesn’t hurt his feelings, but he does put some serious thought into the things we do. We program in things like running intervals because they freaking work to make you faster. The next time you complain about how much running sucks and how slow you are, think about the time you skipped out on a day that was running heavy when you could have practiced and gotten a little bit better.
Beyond John, the rest of your trainers at CrossFit RVA care if you miss a 4x800M day because we are interested in making you harder, better, faster, stronger and this is the best way we know how. But who cares about those crazy guys, YOU should want to be better and let me tell you, if you don’t follow the plan, you’re only a shell of what you could be. You can throw any excuse at us, but we don’t care. We want a fitter healthier version of you.
Where the hell does self reflection fit into this rant? A lot of people skipped yesterday’s workout and we noticed. Shame on you. Ask yourself seriously why you didn’t come to the gym yesterday. Is it because it was “only” running? Lame. If you want to be a better CrossFitter, if you want to post faster times, if you want to be healthy, get to the gym regardless of our internet postings. Your weaknesses at the gym will never get better unless you practice, practice, practice. Be a better human, be pro-human. Work your weaknesses as hard as your work your strengths and you won’t be disappointed.
We hope the rest of this week will restore the faith. See you out there.