When you hear “Olympic weightlifting”, it’s pretty easy to immediately think about the “sport” aspect of it. Big weights going overhead, competitions, maybe the occasional bar slam if you’re getting a bit wild.
But so many folks start weightlifting not with the immediate goal of lifting the most weight they possibly can (though that’s a pretty awesome side effect), but finding a way to move their bodies and a community to be a part of. This was exactly the case for one of our longtime athletes, T!
“Prior to starting Barbell Basics and eventually joining RVA Barbell, I was pretty much living a sedentary life – looking for a fun, accessible way to get moving that wasn’t running. Now I’ve been here for nearly 5 years and I can’t believe how far I’ve come! “
What they found through their now FIVE years of training with us was that there’s much more to training than the weights being lifted.
“I learned to be more connected with my body while getting stronger and making strides with my weightlifting technique, but I’ve also improved my mental health through exercise and found community within RVA Barbell. “
T has been an awesome part of our community, and we’re looking forward to years of training with them!