It may seem counterintuitive for me to enjoy seeing the many gyms that have come to Richmond in the last decade or so- but I do. Everyone deserves to find a gym that meets their needs, schedules, and goals.
I can try to list what sets us apart from the bootcamps that you may see as you drive around town but the truth is, the bulk of our offerings are the same: cardio, strength, shiny equipment, and enthusiastic coaches. And I encourage everyone to get out there and see what works best for them. When you come to RVA Performance Training, I believe our biggest differentiator will meet you right in the lobby- a sign that reads “It’s just exercise”.
Don’t get me wrong, I have made a career out of working with athletes who have big dreams and goals for their training. But that’s not why I started RVAPT and is certainly not the driver behind this gym some 17 years later. Our coaches are motivated by the real struggles that folks are facing as they enter the gym, like our member Emma.
When I came to RVAPT, my biggest frustration was “finding an exercise routine that I could stick with and feel good about. I wanted an environment that I felt motivated to participate and grow in. “
Emma began attending RVAFit, our bootcamp style class with exercises that were always varied and fellow members who were eager to cheer on a new face. She described it as entering a “welcoming and encouraging environment”, and has in turn become an awesome member of our community.
“I feel so much more confident in what my body can do! I feel braver and more excited to try new fitness things.”
So sure, you can expect to exercise at RVA Performance Training, but you can also expect to reap benefits that go far beyond your workouts. If you want to get started on your goals, click here to come in for a free intro session!