WOD 1/1/08


Today’s WOD: The “CrossFit Total” Work up to a 1RM in: -Back Squat -Shoulder Press -Deadlift -Megan scored some PR’s in her Back Squat, Deadlift, and Shoulder Press during today’s CrossFit Total “Improvements have been shown in athletes that perform short-term intense (near maximal) exercise lasting approximately five minutes. The reason may be a direct effect of caffeine on muscle …

WOD 12/10/07


Today’s WOD’s: 5 Rounds: -500M Row -21 Medicine Ball Cleans or 21-15-9 -Push Jerk -Suitcase Deadlifts with dumbbells/kettlebells -Farmer’s Walk 50M with same weight as Deadlifts Post times/thoughts to comment -Brandon is going to be cooking up some gear for your wearing enjoyment. Check it out at the top right-hand side of the page.